Roadmap towards open access

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9 juli 2012 | Open access is on the agenda - but how can universities implement it? The League of European Research Universities (LERU) now created a roadmap offering advice and support.

Both individual institutes and international organizations are struggling tomake European research openly accessible. Benefits of such a policy have been shownrepeatedly.

Now, a LERU working group has compiled a “Roadmap towards OpenAccess”. Through this document, the organization hopes to guideuniversities by giving clear-cut advice on how to achieve openaccess to research.

The paper describes both “Green route” repositories and “Goldroute” journals and steps towards their implementation. This isaccompanied by a list of examples and supporting organizations andcost estimates. A survey of UK repositories for instance indicatesthat the Green route costs between €30,000 and €242,000annually.

For the complete LERU roadmap, click here.

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