China hervormt toegankelijkheid HO

Nieuws | de redactie
17 december 2013 | De ‘derde plenaire zitting’ van het 18e Centraal Comité van China heeft wezenlijke hervormingen in het onderwijs afgekondigd. Dat past bij haar historische rol, want zulke derde zittingen waren al eerder doorbraken. Nu worden gelijke kansen, doorstroom en minder staatscontrole voorop gezet.

Op OECD-blog ‘educationtoday’ schrijft de Chinese onderwijsexpert Yan Wang over de bijzondere betekenis van de nu uitgezette lijnen voor strategie en beleid voor de komende tien jaar. “Historically, 3rd plenary sessions have been milestones of major political, economic and social reforms since China embarked on the reforms that opened up the economy in 1978. The aim then was to inject vigor into a system that had almost come to a halt after the devastating Cultural Revolution.”

“But the reform strategies adopted by the 2013 plenary are quite different from the 1978 reforms, as they mark two developmental stages with different challenges. The new policies have called for rebuilding the education system and encouraging bold experimentation in education to boost economic growth in three main areas.”

Samenhangender toetsing bij toelating HO

Het gaat daarbij om nadruk op meer gelijke kansen, doorstroom en minder staatscontrole. Wat betreft de doorstroom worden de toelatingsexmens tot het hoger onderwijs aangepakt. “The exams, though rigorous and fair, do not measure the kinds of skills required by a modern economy.”

“The reforms essentially comprise three elements: 1) replace once-and-for-all the college entrance examination system with a more comprehensive learning assessment that incorporates: a) a colleague entrance examination with fewer subjects and more choice of examinations at different times of the year, b) competency-based student learning performance assessment and c) tests organised by the universities and colleges. (one hopes that this could be done in the near future); 2) separate university admissions from college entrance examinations, to give more autonomy to universities and colleges to identify students of different capabilities and 3) create more learning pathways among regular tertiary institutions, vocational institutions and adult tertiary schools.”

U leest de volledige analyse van deze hervorming van het onderwijsbestel in China hier.

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