Onderwijsambitie onder druk

Nieuws | de redactie
30 januari 2014 | Niet een van de doelen van de wereldwijde onderwijsagenda Education for All uit 2000 zal in 2015 gehaald zijn. De gezamenlijke inzet vanuit de UNESCO en het beleid van de verschillende landen voldoen niet, zo blijkt uit de meest recente tussenrapportage.

In dat document worden onder meer tien wezenlijke beleidslijnen geschetst voor het lerarenbeleid, waardoor landen hun vooruitgang naar ‘education for all’ kunnen bestendigen en versnellen. De tussenrapportage wijst er op dat het tempo echt omhoog moet.

“With the deadline for the Education for All goals less than two years away, it is clear that, despite advances over the past decade, not a single goal will be achieved globally by 2015. This year’s EFA Global Monitoring Report vividly underlines the fact that people in the most marginalized groups have continued to be denied opportunities for education over the decade.’

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“It is not too late, however, to accelerate progress in the final stages. And it is vital to put in place a robust global post-2015 education framework to tackle unfinished business while addressing new challenges. Post-2015 education goals will only be achieved if they are accompanied by clear, measurable targets with indicators tracking that no one is left behind, and if specific education financing targets for governments and aid donors are set.”

“To end the learning crisis, all countries, rich or poor, have to make sure every child has access to a well-trained and motivated teacher. The 10 strategies outlined here are based on the evidence of successful policies, programmes and strategies from a wide range of countries and educational environments. By implementing such teaching reforms, countries can ensure that all children and young people, especially the disadvantaged, receive the education they need to realize their potential and lead fulfilling lives.”

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