Peer learning on R&D in EU

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29 januari 2015 | To improve coordination and effectiveness of R&D and innovation policies in the EU a new instrument will be introduced. Carlos Moedas, Commissoner for R&D, wil stimulate “reforms through peer review: a hands-on policy learning exercise, to share best practices between Member States.”

At the jubilee of Dutch ‘knowledge embassy’ in Brussels Neth-ER he annolunced this policy support facility. “To help member states reform their national R&I systems, I will soon launch a new Policy Support Facility. A new instrument under Horizon 2020, to support Member States in the design, implementation and evaluation of priority R&I reforms through peer review: a hands-on policy learning exercise, to share best practices between Member States. Spreading know-how on how to support viable business investments in R&I.”

Strong political commitment

“Peer review has, of course, the greatest impact when combined with strong political commitment for reform at national level: commitment to kick-start the process, as well as to follow up on the outcome.  Already in the first half of 2015, Bulgaria will undergo a major peer review at the request of their national Science Minister. I hope the Netherlands takes full advantage of this opportunity for peer learning.”

This is a very shrewd move, as the Dutch government has instigated a national discussion on its ‘Science Agenda 2025’ and desires to broaden the impact of citizens and societal groups in the science policy processes. A European peer review and “a hands-on policy learning exercise to share best practices” could be the kind of ‘offer you can’t refuse’ wto strengthen the impact of the work of the new Team Juncker. 

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