HO verliest status, maar wint nieuwe talenten

Nieuws | de redactie
30 juni 2006 | Jo Ritzen gaf een keynote speech op de OECD ministersconferentie onder de opmerkelijke titel 'Scenarios for Higher Education, 2020 or When Will China Invade Iran?' Hij kraakt harde noten over langer lopende trends als de ontintellectualisering van maatschappelijke elites. "It is interesting to note that less and less the business and political elite are connected to a recognition of the role (graduate) education in their careers - see e.g. Jack Welsh's recent book: "Winning." In their communications they de- intellectualize. There is no reason that this trend will not continue. The implication is that HE – deprived of a pedestal of its own – will have to find allies in society. The best and most likely ally is the business world – which has a strong interest in well trained manpower." U leest zijn betoog over wat plausibel, mogelijk en uitdagend zou zijn in zijn 'if...then scenarios' hier.
Scenarios for the future course of higher education are more likely to occur if they are rooted into
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