No Fear

Nieuws | de redactie
22 juni 2006 | Tommi Laitio, lid van de Redactieraad van ScienceGuide, is programmaontwerper bij de Europese Culturele Stichting. Hij was ooit voorzitter van de Finse 'LSVb/ISO' en won deze maand de essaywedstrijd van de Volkskrant met bijgaand opiniestuk, dat wij met genoegen en compliment aan de winnaar publiceren.

My friend falls into silence as we sit down in the tram. She arrived from Finland an hour earlier. As we pass the Dam square she turns to me.
"People look so….how should I put it…different here." I recognise the reaction from sixteen months back. The move from Helsinki - a city with only 2,1 % of immigrants - to the centre of Amsterdam was a gigantic leap towards a multicultural society.
My friend and I are not alone with this amazement. Many of us experience confusion as the number of
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