HO-ontwikkeling in wereldwijd perspectief
Nieuws | de redactie
6 juli 2006 | Eric Beerkens van de Universiteit van Sydney geeft zijn visie op de ontwikkeling van het HO vanuit zijn perspectief: een Nederlander die in de Pacific/Azie aan de globalisering van wo-instellingen werkt. Hij sluit daarbij in kritische zin aan op de recente analyse van de Financial Times op dit thema.
In the Financial Times, Richard Lambert proposes six steps to revitalise Europe's higher education I'm glad that Lambert first of all points to the fact that there are differences within and between countries in Europe on this issue. ‘Countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Denmark have in recent years greatly improved the way their universities are run. The UK has some of the best research universities in the world. But European institutions are not well placed to compete in what has become a global competition for talent. In countries such as Italy, France and Germany, there is a kind of drab uniformity across a sector that is struggling.’
In the Financial Times, Richard Lambert proposes six steps to revitalise Europe's higher education I'm glad that Lambert first of all points to the fact that there are differences within and between countries in Europe on this issue. ‘Countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Denmark have in recent years greatly improved the way their universities are run. The UK has some of the best research universities in the world. But European institutions are not well placed to compete in what has become a global competition for talent. In countries such as Italy, France and Germany, there is a kind of drab uniformity across a sector that is struggling.’
Higher Education across Europe is crying out for reform. Not surprisingly (from a former FT Editor),
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