Virtueel HO wereldwijd in opkomst
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de redactie
18 september 2006 | Virtuele universiteiten en hogescholen zijn een ontwikkeling die dankzij e-learning an andere ict- ontwikkelingen wereldwijd op gang gekomen is. Een nieuwe UNESCO publicatie van het International Institute for Educational Planning biedt materiaal voor de beleidsontwikkeling en acht case studies uit verschillende regio’s in de wereld op dit terrein.
Korte samenvatting van de publicatie:
E-learning and the virtual university are examples of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a teaching and learning approach and an organizational structure. Both raise issues associated with the phenomenon of cross-border education. This publication explores the related ICT policy, planning and management implications of several new or reorganized institutions of higher education. Three background chapters describe the context – the trends and challenges and the impact of cross-border education. Eight case studies from different regions and representing various institutional models tell the story of their development and relate what they have learned.