Nieuwe investeringen in Canadees R&D
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de redactie
30 november 2006 | Canada gaat door met het stimuleren van zijn kenniseconomie. De tegenhanger van het Finse Tekes aldaar, de Canada Foundation for Innovation, investeert $ 422 miljoen in nieuwe infrastructuren voor het onderzoek. De Leading Edge en New Initiatives fondsen gaan in 35 kennisinstellingen extra geld steken. “These new investments will substantially increase Canada’s capacity to carry out important world-class scientific research and technology development that will benefit all Canadians,” stelt voorzitter Eliot Phillipson.
“By investing in leading-edge research we are ensuring that our country prospers as a nation of innovation.” Verantwoordelijk minister Maxime Bernier meldt: “Supporting research is a key investment of our government in the future of our country. It is through the ideas and talent of researchers—like the ones we are honouring today—that we are ensuring a high quality of life for all Canadians, as well as our success in the global economy.”
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