Harvard zoekt president
Eric S. Lander , an MIT biology professor and director of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, a biomedical research center; Thomas R. Cech , president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Steven Chu , a 1997 Nobel laureate in physics, of Stanford University; Harold E. Varmus , a 1989 Nobel laureate for cancer research and the president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ; David W. Oxtoby , president of Pomona College and a chemist; and Mary Sue Coleman , president of the University of Michigan and a biochemist.
Ook genoemd worden alfa/gamma’s als Richard H. Brodhead , president of Duke University and a former English professor at Yale; Steven Knapp , provost of Johns Hopkins University and a specialist in 18th- and 19th-century English literature; and Nancy Cantor , chancellor of Syracuse University and a professor of psychology and women’s studies.
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