Opleider gehuldigd
Nieuws |
de redactie
8 december 2006 | ‘Een vooraanstaand praktijkman, schrijver en redacteur op het gebied van volwassenenonderwijs, Human Resource Development (HRD), opleiding & ontwikkeling en performance improvement in Nederland.' Zo werd Peter Schramade getypeerd bij zijn installatie als lid van de International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame.
Als eerste hoofdredacteur van Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, van 1988 tot 2005, heeft Peter Schramade `de kloof overbrugd tussen het HRD-onderzoek aan universiteiten en de HRD-praktijk in bedrijven door het stimuleren van discussies en het publiceren van promotieonderzoek’. Schramade schreef meer dan 200 vakartikelen. Belangrijke thema’s daarin zijn opleidingsevaluatie, inkopen en outsourcen van opleidingen, performance improvement en strategisch HRD. Hij is momenteel onder meer hoofdredacteur van het Handboek Effectief Opleiden en van Holland Management Review.
Hier leest u de onderbouwing die is gebruikt om de heer Schramade op te nemen in de Hall of Fame van de volwasseneneducatie. Hiertoe worden jaarlijks ongeveer tien mensen toegelaten. In 2003 viel die eer al eens een andere Nederlander ten deel, de Twentse hoogleraar Wim Nijhof.
Peter W.J. Schramade is a distinguished practitioner, writer and editor in the field of adult and continuing education, human resource development (HRD), corporate training and development, and performance improvement in the Netherlands. Supported by his international orientation, he has been dedicated to bridging the gap between work and education and between HRD theory and HRD practice.
During his career as an HRD consultant and a training manager, at the state level (1972- 1990), in industry (1990-1993), in professional service firms (1993-2003) and in his own consultancy practice (since 2003), he combined his regular work with activities in the professional field of HRD. As the first editor-in-chief of Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, the leading Dutch journal on HRD, from 1988 to 2005, he bridged the gap between HRD research at universities and HRD practice by stimulating discussions and publishing results from Ph.D. students.
Schramade has written more than 200 articles in the fields of training and development and management and performance improvement. His main themes in training and development were training evaluation, buying/outsourcing training, performance improvement and strategic HRD.An outstanding leader in the field of HRD, Schramade was honoured by the Dutch Society for Training and Development with the National Training & Development Award in 1995. He was a co-founder of the first post-graduate program on HRD in the Netherlands, at Tilburg University in 1988.
As a member of the American Society for Training & Development, the Academy of Human Resource Development and the International Society for Performance Improvement, Schramade attended many international conferences. He has demonstrated an unstoppable drive to write on new approaches and new visions. His work had such an innovative impact on fellow professionals that the discipline of learning and development in the Netherlands has been elevated to a higher professional level.
Schramade was also a member of the advisory board of the postgraduate program Management van Leren en Ontwikkeling at Tilburg University. Additionally, he has served as a member of the National Research Committee on Training and Development in the USA, as a reviewer of Human Resource Development Quarterly, and as a member of the editorial board of Advances in Developing Human Resources.
He has served as the editor and editor-in-chief of numerous publications, including Nieuwsbrief Performanceverbetering (1997-2005) and Handboek Performanceverbetering (2002-2003). Since 1999, he has been editor-in-chief of the bimonthly journal Holland Management Review, which is the most in- depth source of management information for the Dutch top manager. In this role, he is responsible for ensuring that contributions are practice-oriented and theoretically well- founded, and that they score as highly as possible on relevance, reliability and validity. He also currently serves as editor-in-chief for Handboek Effectief Opleiden, a looseleaf publication with more than 9,000 pages that serves as a handbook for the practice of training and development.