Dubbelleven voor Europa

Nieuws | de redactie
5 maart 2007 | De Europese Unie kon wel eens een tweede leven gaan leiden in cyberspace en wel in Second Life, net als de VU. "It is certainly an idea we are looking into," zegt Commissie woordvoerder Mikolaj Dowgielewicz. "But we do not have enough people dealing with the internet - we could but they are bogged down with other work such as for the EU's 50th birthday."

Dowgielewicz, spokesman for EU communication commissioner Margot Wallstrom, explained that an EU office in the virtual world would be part of the commission’s effort to get closer to the EU citizens and communicate better with them, adding that the EU institutions are still quite weak on communication in some areas.

“We’re looking at communicating through untraditional channels such as the internet and it is a very serious consideration in the reflection of our future internet strategy,” he pointed out. “Second Life is just one of them but an interesting one,” he said. “We’re open to new ideas.” No details have been suggested on how the commission could involve itself in Second Life but Mr Dowgielewicz said it was more likely to be a project of the commission’s communication department rather than of the entire EU executive.

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