Cyberuniversiteit gaat online

Nieuws | de redactie
6 april 2007 | De eerste volledige webuniversiteit in Japan is online gegaan. Met een "real-time entrance ceremony Webcast" naar de pc's van de 1200 nieuwe eerstejaars biedt de Japan Cyber University "a promise to shake up the country’s moribund higher-education sector."

Japan Cyber University says its 100 professors plan to deliver four-year bachelor’s- degree programs in two fields: information technology and world heritage. Students will download course materials and videotaped lectures at their own pace and perform online tests to pass each stage of the degree.

Backed by Internet and telecommunications giant Softbank Corp. and headed by archaeologist Sakuji Yoshimura, the university is seen as the first in a wave of new, private higher-ed institutions tailored to nontraditional entrants. Most of CU’s first students are working people in their 20s and 30s, a group traditionally neglected by universities in Japan. “[The university] will provide people of all ages with the opportunity to receive academic education by helping them overcome all kinds of constraints,” said Softbank representatives in a statement.

(bron: The Chronicle)

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