HO in Servië onder vuur

Nieuws | de redactie
11 april 2007 | De arrestatiegolf van corrupte hoogleraren in Servië gaat nog steeds door. Vanuit ScienceGuide’s Spine-netwerk van HO-magazines wordt ook gemeld dat de politie meer dan 250 studenten voor ‘informatieve gesprekken’ heeft opgepakt. Daarbij zou ook het dempen van de rel onder de slachtoffers een oogmerk zijn. U leest hier de jongste stand van zaken.

Five more professors from the Kragujevac faculty of Law have been brought into custody because they`re suspected to be part of the corruption chain. The Internal Affairs Ministry has stated that five professors have been arrested for reasonable suspicion that they have taken bribery and had abused their authority by taking financial rewards from a quite large group at the Law faculty for passing exams, although they had not mastered the academic material expected by the teaching plan and program of this faculty. It is also noted that some of these students haven’t even entered the faculty to take an examination, but still got their grades into the index and official faculty reports about the exams.

Specialized services of the criminal police head office in the Ministry and the police headoffice in Smederevo have performed such arrests in Nis, Novi Sad, Kraljevo, Cacak and Mladenovac. The Dean of the Law faculty in Nis and teachers of the Law faculty in Kragujevac, professor Miroljub Simic, professor Radoje Brkovic and Miodrag Micovic are also arrested. Police also brought into custody a professor of the Law faculty in Kragujevac, Slobodan Svorcan, and a professor of Law faculty in Pristina, who had been a teacher at Kragujevac, Radomir Stojanovic. Police has by now arrested more than 20 professors, faculty staff and graduates for suspicion of giving and receiving bribery.

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