Ingreep in accreditering in USA

Nieuws | de redactie
13 april 2007 | De kwaliteitszorg en accreditering in de USA gaan op de schop. De minister van Onderwijs komt met voorstellen tot nieuwe regelgeving om de toetsorganen te dwingen meer inhoudelijke overwegingen en criteria toe te passen bij de beoordeling van HO-aanbod. 

 Er komt “a set of proposed regulatory changes that would require accrediting agencies to get much more involved than they historically have in judging whether the colleges they oversee are succeeding in educating their students. The draft language, which will be considered next week by a federal panel weighing possible changes in federal rules governing higher education accreditation, would give accreditors three options for measuring institutions’ success in educating students — two of which force them to set minimal levels of acceptable performance, which accreditors (and many college officials) have traditionally considered it inappropriate for them to do.

The department’s proposals would also require accrediting agencies to bar the colleges they monitor from basing decisions about whether to accept a transfer student’s academic credits on the accreditation status of the “sending” institution, and significantly increase the amount and types of information that accrediting groups would have to make public.”

U leest de volledige achtergrond en documentatie op de pagina Amerika  onder Wereldwijd.

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