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Nieuws | de redactie
20 april 2007 | HIV/AIDS heeft een vernietigend effect op kinderen. Marinda van Niekerk werkte twaalf jaar met jongeren in Pretoria, en wilde daarbij meer dan een toeschouwer zijn. De verhalen van deze kinderen laten vooroordelen, aannames en waardeoordelen zien, maar ook het gebrek aan formele structuren om adequate hulp te bieden.

HIV/AIDS has a devastating effect on children. Over the last dozen years the Marinda van Niekerk has spent a great deal of time with many teenagers, in her function as a minister to inner city adolescents in Pretoria, but also as a researcher. The effects of HIV/AIDS on children with real faces and real stories inspired her awareness of the ways their lives are and will continue to be affected by this disease. This book emanated from the author’s desire to be more than a spectator in their journey.

The moving stories of the young people who participated in this research tell us about existing prejudices, assumptions and values with regard to HIV/AIDS, and also address the imbalances of formal structures regarding the availability of medical, social, legal and other facilities to certain groups. In this way, it hopes and aims to contribute to improving the care for young people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS

Marinda van Niekerk
Persisting Advocates
The unheard stories of adolescents infected with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS


Rozenberg SG
SAVUSA-NiZA Student Publication Series
16,5 x 24 cm
130 pag.
€ 16,50
ISBN 978 90 5170 642 0
NUR 740

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