Raadsels aan het Perzische hof

Nieuws | de redactie
19 april 2007 | Raadsels behoren tot de oudste genres in vele literaire tradities. Literaire raadsels duiken vanaf de twaalfde eeuw op in de Perzische literatuur, en zijn tot op heden in omloop in de Iraanse maatschappij.

Riddles were composed at courts in the Iranian world for various purposes, especially highlighting the insignia of the ruler’s administrative and military power.

The riddle offers the poet a means to demonstrate his artistic accomplishment in a compact composition, and secure his social, professional and personal position at the court and in cultured circles. The aesthetic of puzzlement that happens outside the riddle and around it, was much appreciated at courts.

This book is the first study of Persian literary riddles to appear in English. It translates and analyses a wide range of complex riddling poems from the tenth to the twelfth centuries, including the masters of the genre. It also analyses the relationship between metaphors and riddles and the genre of literary description (wasf).

A.A. Seyed- Gohrab
Courtly Riddles
Enigmatic Embellishments in Early Persian Poetry


Rozenberg SG
Iranian Studies Series
15 x 22 cm
204 pag.
€ 28,50
ISBN 978 90 5170 858 5
NUR 630
ISS 3 Co-published with Purdue UP ISBN-13: 978-55753- 467-5 $ 38,00 (USA & Canada)


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