EU pakt Belarus harder aan

Nieuws | de redactie
18 juni 2007 | De EU gaat de handelsbetrekkingen met Belarus verder beperken, aldus commissaris Mandelson. Reden is de voortdurende mishandeling en discriminatie van werknemers en vakbonden die niet door de staat gecontroleerd zijn.

“Europe attaches great importance to work and labour conditions, and increasingly to environmental safeguards also. In this case Belarus is clearly flouting ILO (International Labour Organisation) standards.”

Belarus exports will now be subject to the EU`s standard import tariffs, which are three percentage points higher than preferential rates, the European Commission said, adding the move would affect about 10 percent of Belarus exports to the EU.

The EU warned Belarus in December that it would remove the trade privileges unless Minsk addressed concerns over labour rights within six months. The ILO ruled on Friday that Belarus had not acted to ensure the protection of labour rights and the trade preferences would be withdrawn from June 21, the Commission said. “As soon as Belarus complies with its ILO obligations, the Commission will propose that its … preferences are reinstated,” it said in the statement.

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