Voorsprong in ecotech voor EU
“Innovation and businesses, stimulated by European environment policies has made Europe a world leader in a number of environmental technologies, such as wind, solar and wave power. The eco-technology sector currently employs around 3.4 million people in the 27-member bloc and its annual turnover represents more than 2 percent of EU GDP,” zo meldde hij in dit verband.
“Implementation of our climate and energy package will unleash a new wave of eco-innovation, as the most dynamic firms compete to be first on the market with the low-carbon technologies of the future. European industries must seize this opportunity with both hands. I really believe that in that matter the Americans are doing a lot. And if we in Europe don’t move at least as quick as they are doing, we will discover that we will lose what we can call the ‘first mover advantage’.”
“Our active policies for environmental protection and sustainable development are indeed policies for development and are making Europe more – and not less – competitive. Europe’s fast-growing eco-technologies sector is making a considerable contribution to the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs – aimed at making the bloc more competitive.”
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