Europa dichter bij Azië
There exists an imbalance between the number of Asian specialists in European studies compared to the number of European specialists in Asian studies. Asian studies in Europe are better developed in terms of networks, the number of teaching/research institutes, funding, students, faculty and research mobilities, and other resources. Consequently, there is less knowledge and academic input on European studies by Asia. Such trends are inimical to Asia-Europe understanding.
The European Studies in Asia (ESiA) was launched in 2005, to stimulate European studies in the Asian region not only by strengthening interaction between existing networks in Asia, but also by creating synergies between European study centres in both Asia and Europe. ESiA is an inter-disciplinary and open platform that embraces any institution in Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries offering European studies research and networking.
Our strategic objective is not to duplicate the work of existing networks, rather to complement them by pragmatically bringing together some of the most relevant institutions in East Asia focused on Europe, into an unprecedented, sustainable forum for information exchange and the promotion of mutual interests.
More specifically, ESiA aims to:
1] Enhance European studies in East Asia and promote links with European studies centres in Europe; facilitate the mobility of Asian Europeanists to come to Europe;
2] Share information on visiting European scholars/personalities among European studies centres/associations in Asia (in order to take advantage of their presence for lecture circuits, research, etc);
3] Encourage European studies in institutions/countries that have the potential/interest (eg via international studies programmes, history departments, language/linguistics programmes, comparative regionalism programmes, colonial studies, etc); and,
4] Provide a platform between Asian and European universities/centres/institutes for co-operation on European studies curriculum development and student mobility via the Asia-Europe Meeting Education Hub
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