Nyenrode steunt ingreep Plasterk
I would like to turn to our colleague Dutch universities. The reason for doing so is that last week, they publicly expressed their anxiety and dismay to the Dutch government. They receive annually a collective support of 2.3 bln euro and now a cut is announced of E100mln, specifically on research. They fear they have to reduce the number of young innovative researchers by 1100. They do not see that the government is issuing a statement of support to create an excellent research environment and are now creating plans how to reduce the costs.
Well, Nyenrode understands markets, consumer behaviour, pricing and Nyenrode understands how to run a business. You all understand that I am not lecturing here and I merely would like to make a suggestion. Dear collegues, instead of reducing the number of young innovative researchers, why do not you raise the price for master student education? Are you all listening? Raising the prise for mastereducation will fund those 1100 researchers. Raising the prices will get both the faculty and the students better motivated. Master education in the Netherlands will get a boost and society and business will benefit from it.
From our societal responsibility I do not want to suggest to raise prices of bachelors education. Raising the price for masters education will get your financing and your academic business model in order. It raises the level of research. So dear academic collegues “Higher the prices of master education and higher the level of research Ceteris Paribus!”
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