‘Sire, er zijn geen Belgen’

Nieuws | de redactie
19 september 2007 | De ontwikkeling van het internet leidt tot nieuwe vormen van handel én van politiek activisme. Een opmerkelijk voorbeeld deed zich gisteren voor: België heeft te koop gestaan op eBay. 

‘The ad said it was possible to buy the country “as a whole”, but added that it was “not recommended”, aldus de EUobserver. ‘It suggested buying its three parts – Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia – separately, while being careful “with [the] 300 billion of National Debt” which still have to be split among the three regions. The initial price was put at one euro but it got 26 subsequent bids, the last of which was offering as much as €10 million for the kingdom.

eBay removed the offer because it could not sell anything virtual or “unrealistic”, its spokesman Peter Burin was quoted. The seller was identified as former Belgian journalist Gerrit Six, who wanted to attract attention to the political turmoil in his country, where the parties of Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia have been unable to agree on the formation of a coalition government since general elections took place on 10 June.’

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