USA ingehaald bij kennismigratie

Nieuws | de redactie
19 november 2007 | Het immigratiebeleid van de USA schrikt kenniswerkers en jong talent steeds meer af. Op YaleGlobal worden de jongste cijfers en trends geanalyseerd. Het puntensysteem dat Canada en de Britten nu hanteren blijkt een magneet voor talent. "A halfhearted embrace of globalization prevents the US from reaping full benefits of the students who attend its universities, allowing them to slip away to other countries. American universities attract some of the best students, enriching the talent pool and filling coffers, but a narrow-minded immigration policy squanders the benefits. Some analysts go as far as to suggest that science and math programs in those universities would struggle without international students.
About 25 percent of the students attending Massachusetts Institute of Technology come from other cou
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