Eerste blik op ongezien Mercurius

Nieuws | de redactie
16 januari 2008 |

De sonde Messenger heeft de eerste foto's van het niet eerder waargenomen halfrond van de planeet Mercurius doorgezonden. "Like the previously mapped portion of Mercury, this hemisphere appears heavily cratered. It also reveals some unique and distinctive features. On the upper right is the giant Caloris basin, including its western portions never before seen by spacecraft.

Formed by the impact of a large asteroid or comet, Caloris is one of the largest, and perhaps one of the youngest, basins in the Solar System. The new image shows the complete basin interior and reveals that it is brighter than the surrounding regions and may therefore have a different composition. Darker smooth plains completely surround Caloris, and many unusual dark-rimmed craters are observed inside the basin. Several other multi-ringed basins are seen in this image for the first time. Prominent fault scarps (large ridges) lace the newly viewed region.”


De foto is genomen “80 minutes after Messenger’s closest approach to Mercury, when the spacecraft was at a distance of about 27,000 kilometers (about 17,000 miles). The image shows features as small as 10 kilometers (6 miles) in size.”

[foto van NASA]

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