Ontwikkelingsstudies ter discussie

Nieuws | de redactie
28 februari 2008 | Deze week staat research for development centraal op het Nuffic-congres Knowledge on the Move. UNU-MERIT-directeur Luc Soete betoogde daar dat het tijd wordt ontwikkelingsstudies te integreren met andere vakgebieden: “Become a core part of most research (public or private) and higher education institutions within an open, global research without borders environment. In most research areas, whether dealing with health, life sciences and the spreading of diseases, food safety and nutrition, material sciences, energy saving, water management, waste disposal, migration, urban development, sustainable development, social sciences and humanities, economics and business studies, some of the most challenging research questions are taking place within development contexts”.
“The analytical shift which have occurred from science and technology to innovation described in s
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