€ 50 miljard aan R&D open in Europa

Nieuws | de redactie
21 augustus 2008 |

Europa gaat het door haar gefinancieerd onderzoek open gooien. Resultaten uit R&D -meer dan € 50 mijlard investering tussen 2007 en 2013-  moeten “disseminated as widely and effectively as possible to guarantee maximum exploitation and impact in the world of researchers and beyond.” Fast and reliable access to research results, especially via the Internet, can drive innovation, advance scientific discovery and support the development of a strong knowledge-based economy. The European Commission wants to ensure that the results of the research it funds under the EU’s 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7) with more than EUR 50 billion from 2007 – 2013 are disseminated as widely and effectively as possible to guarantee maximum exploitation and impact in the world of researchers and beyond.

The Commission today launched a pilot project that will give unrestricted online access to EU-funded research results, primarily research articles published in peer reviewed journals, after an embargo period of between 6 and 12 months. The pilot will cover around 20% of the FP7 programme budget in areas such as health, energy, environment, social sciences and information and communication technologies. “The rapid development of digital technologies offers researchers unprecedented possibilities for the timely and efficient sharing of information. Our new pilot will harness that potential,” said Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media.

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