Europa aan de slag met classificatie van HO

Nieuws | de redactie
30 september 2008 | Het rapport van Frans van Vught over de classificatie van een in diversiteit rijk Europees HO is klaar. Tegen ScienceGuide zegt hij daarover: "The classification is a tool to create transparency of diversity. The diversity of European higher education is often seen as a major strength. If we want make use of this strength a first important step is to make it transparent. This is what the classification intends to do." Van Vughts visie op 'en hoe nu verder', de eerste stappen daartoe en het rapport zelf leest u hier.

“The classification is an instrument that can be used by many stakeholders. This is also why, during the development of this tool, we have involved the various stakeholders as much and as often as possible. For the higher education institutions in Europe the classification offers an extra advantage for their strategic management. The classification can assist in the development and strengthening of institutional missions and profiles and it can help in inter-institutional networking, benchmarking and joint programming.
I am happy to see that the classification is coming up the political ladder in Europe. The French EU presidency has taken it on board during its discussions on higher education and its wish to develop a European approach to ranking, and the Czech presidency intends to take this further next year.

The classification indeed offers the possibility to create better rankings, simply because it allow to compare comparable institutions. Also in the Bologna process the classification is being discussed now. The Flemish minister Vandenbroucke has indicated that he sees it as an important tool to discuss transparency of diversity in European higher education. It would be good if, after the first phase of structural convergence in the Bologna process, we now could focus on the strength of diversity of European higher education and the need to make this diversity transparent, during the next phase of this process.”

U vindt het complete rapport hier als pdf.

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