Finns conquer all

Nieuws | de redactie
23 september 2008 | We all know by now that Finland is the Innovation and Knowledge Nation par excellence. But things shouldn’t become bizarre in this respect. The Finns now threaten to overwhelm the Olympus of culinary arts as well.

Voittaja - Kyllä siellä porukka alkuun kummasteli Petteri Punakuonoa pizzan 
täytteenä, mutta kun 
maistoivat, pelkkiä 
kehuja tuli, Pertti 
Indeed, Jarmo Valtari and Pertti Laitinen have beaten the team from Italy in the 4th American PanPizza Championships in New York.

The jury gave the Finnish duo 307 points for their pizza with smoked reindeermeat and mushrooms. The Italians came second with 270 points. All other teams – from China, Australia and the USA – were beaten as well by the Suomi Pizza Experts.

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