Nieuw artikel (11)

Nieuws | de redactie
9 september 2008 |

The European Conference on Intellectual Capital (ECIC) invites researchers, practitioners and academics to present their research findings, work in progress, case studies and conceptual advances in the field of intellectual capital (IC) measurement and management on the ECIC 2009 conference.

Today, almost 80% of economic value creation is based on intellectual resources. However, most organisations still do not know how to reveal the value of these resources and how to give direction to future value creation. The concept of intellectual capital gives intangibles ‘a body’ and therefore makes it possible to measure, communicate and interpret them. This conference combines theory and practice and gives a state-of-the-art overview of intellectual capital measurement and management.

In June 1999, The Netherlands hosted the OECD international symposium on: “Measuring and reporting intellectual capital; experiences, issues, and prospects”. This symposium turned out to be a milestone in the development of the intellectual capital movement. For the first time in history researchers and practitioners from all over the world joined together to discuss the progress made in the field of measurement and reporting of intellectual capital. Many of today’s IC initiatives are rooted in this OECD symposium (e.g. Danish Guideline, the MERITUM project and others). In 2009 it will be 10 years since this groundbreaking symposium took place and it is time to take stock of the developments over the last 10 years. What progress did we make in raising awareness, developing robust measurement and reporting methods, and helping organisations to better manage their IC?

The European Conference on Intellectual Capital will be hosted by the Centre for Research in Intellectual Capital (CRIC) of INHolland University of Applied Sciences. Although formally founded in 2003, the CRIC also has its roots in the 1999 OECD conference. Today the centre has a solid reputation in the international IC community. It is involved in many IC reporting and management projects and IC curriculum development projects all over the world.

Our aim of this conference is to contribute to the further advancement of IC theory and practice. We hope this meeting will be as successful as the first Intellectual Capital Congress in Helsinki, Finland (2004) and the second which was also held in Haarlem, The Netherlands (2007).

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