Europa steunt CHE-ranking
Figel schrijft over zijn beweegredenen voor zijn steun aan dit initiatief onder meer: “Today there is a wealth of information available on higher education institutions and their programmes but no compass to navigate through it. The Commission’s main interest in education and training is to help member states and their institutions to improve the quality of their education and training systems and in particular to make it easier for students to make an informed choice on where and what to study, but offering accessible, transparent and comparable information.
The Commission is of the opinion that many existing rankings do not really fulfil this purpose, e.g. because they focus on research aspects rather than teaching, and on entire institutions rather than programmes and departments. In order to achieve a mapping of European higher education that provides guidance and transparency we need ranking tools that take into account the existing diversity in terms of languages, subject areas, profiles, student services, research and teaching quality. CHE is among the projects which are giving an important contribution towards this objective.”
Op de Bèta Techniek Summit ‘Vliegende Hollanders’ zal Uwe Brandenburg van CHE de Excellence Ranking nader uiteenzetten en de bijzonder goede uitkomsten van de Nederlandse bèta-faculteiten in deze eerste Europese analyse van de kwaliteit van het HO nader toelichten. KNAW-president Robbert Dijkgraaf zal als co-referent optreden en, onder leiding van ScienceGuide-hoofdredacteur PG Kroeger, met Uwe Brandenburg en de belangstellenden tijdens de Summit in dicsussie gaan over lessen en perspectieven die hier voor het HO en de Bèta-Tech sector in ons land uit naar voren kunnen komen.