‘Renewed hope and optimism’

Nieuws | de redactie
5 november 2008 | De voorzitter van Sciencedebate2008, Shawn Otto, reageert exclusief voor ScienceGuide op de uitkomst van de presidentsverkiezingen. "It’s a new day for science in America. For too long federal policymaking, especially in the executive branch, has been based on a sort of Orwellian process that put politics and political ideology ahead of facts and reality. That all changed today. 

President-elect Obama has demonstrated time and again not only his ability to synthesize the known facts into an effective policy response, but he has also made a habit of reaching out to those who may disagree with him, in order to test his ideas in a sort of peer review, and thereby strengthen them. This is, in its essence, reflective of the best traditions of the scientific process, and of the values of the Enlightenment upon which America was based.

He has surrounded himself with an array of scientist advisors for the record books, and we look forward with renewed hope and optimism that the United States will step up to the plate once again on so many of the major science policy challenges like energy, climate change, ocean health, research and innovation that we all share as citizens of the planet.

Obama reageerde op de 14 vragen naar zijn beleid op het terrein van wetenschap en technologie naar Sciencedebate2008. U leest zijn visie hier.

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