Finland doet eigen ‘knowledge boost’

Nieuws | de redactie
18 december 2008 | Sommigen praten over anticyclisch beleid, over kennis-investeren tegen de recessie. Finland doet het. Men gaat nu versneld zijn aandeel BNP voor R&D-investeringen met € 760 mln verhogen naar 4 %. Oftwel een vol procent boven het gewenste EU-gemiddelde voor 2010.

Promoted by the global economic crisis, the new education, science, technology and innovation policy strategy, adopted early this month by the Finnish Science and Technology Policy Council, foresees increasing the national R&D budget to 4 percent of the GDP by 2011, with about 1.2 percent of this coming from the public sector.

In 2007 to total R&D spending in Finland reached 3.47 percent of GDP (EUR 6.2 billion). With an investment boost of EUR 760 million Finland would surpass Sweden as the EU country with the highest R&D investment. Similar R&D boost helped Finland get out of recession in the 1990s. Therefore, while money is scarce, and savings need to be made, the Finns believe that investment in research will pay off.

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