Nederland blijft innovatie-middenmoter

Nieuws | de redactie
3 februari 2009 | The European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) is opnieuw verschenen en Nederland blijft daarin een matige positie vertonen. Het zit achterin de groep ‘volgers’ binnen de EU, ondanks succes bij de bètatech promotie en breedbandontwikkeling.

Reden daarvoor is dat de afgelopen 5 jaar de ‘performance in Firm investments and Linkages & entrepreneurship has worsened, in particular due to a decrease in Non-R&D innovation expenditures (-1.5%) and the Firm renewal rate (-4.4%).’

Based on their innovation performance across 29 indicators, EU Member States fall into the following four country groups:
-Sweden, Finland, Germany, Denmark and the UK are the Innovation leaders, with innovation performance well above that of the EU average and all other countries. Of these countries, Germany is improving its performance fastest while Denmark is stagnating.

-Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France and the Netherlands are the Innovation followers, with innovation performance below those of the innovation leaders but above that the EU average. Ireland’s performance has been increasing fastest within this group, followed by Austria.

-Cyprus, Estonia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy are the Moderate innovators, with innovation performance below the EU average. The trend in Cyprus’ innovation performance is well above the average for this group, followed by Portugal, while Spain and Italy are not improving their relative position.

-Malta, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Latvia and Bulgaria are the Catching-up countries with innovation performance well below the EU average. All of these countries have been catching up, with the exception of Lithuania.  Bulgaria and Romania have been improving their performance the fastest.

Netherlands is one of the Innovation followers. Its innovation performance is just above the EU27 average but the rate of improvement is below that of the EU27. Relative strengths, compared to the country’s average performance, are in Finance and support and Linkages & entrepreneurship while relative weaknesses are in Firm investments and Innovators.

Over the past 5 years, Human resources and Finance and support have been the main drivers of the improvement in innovation performance, in particular as a result from strong growth in S&E and SSH graduates (11.3%), S&E and SSH doctorate graduates (6.8%) and Broadband access by firms (23.8%). Performance in Firm investments and Linkages & entrepreneurship has worsened, in particular due to a decrease in Non-R&D innovation expenditures (-1.5%) and the Firm renewal rate (-4.4%).

U vindt het complete rapport – met onder meer benchmarking ten opzichte van de USA en Japan en een eerste uitwerking van indicatoren voor creativiteit en design als belangrijke factoren voor innovatie – hier als pdf.

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