Een wereldcarrière in de steigers

Nieuws | de redactie
23 maart 2009 | Stenden leerde hij kennen via een advertentie in een Pakistaanse krant. Syed Zia Hussain volgt een masteropleiding service management aan Stenden Leeuwarden. ScienceGuide sprak met hem over zijn ervaringen en ontwikkeling als professional.

He grew up in London but spent most of his life in Karachi (Pakistan). A professional dancer and choreographer, he has already seen much of the world. While studying in Nicosia, Cyprus, he became president of a local dance society, where people called him ‘Zeus’. It is still his professional name for his activities as dancer and choreopgrapher.

From Karachi to Leeuwarden
It began with an advertisement in a Pakistani newspaper. Syed learnt of the opportunity to take an international degree in Service Management in Leeuwarden for a very reasonable fee. He applied and got in. “There were a few conditions I had to fulfill like taking the TOEFL test. And of course I had to submit some legal documents about my status and insurances etc. It did take a while to gather all these documents but the best part about this was that Stenden managed and supported me all the way. They helped with my visa, my transport from Schipol airport to Stenden as well as my accommodation”, Syed says.

Why Stenden?
Syed appreciates Stenden particularly for the cultural diversity it offers. “It offers a great learning and developing environment for all the students, for the staff members and management. It is not just an institute for Dutch students but also gives a close contact with international fellow students. This way they all benefit sharing their experiences and building good relations with one another.”

A country with structure
Syed has much respect for the infrastructure of the Netherlands: “I like the planning structure of towns and markets. It is amazing to see the water flowing all the way through the Nederlands. You also have nice cozy houses and apartments. It is a small country, but wisely planned and structured. I believe Holland has very smart people working hard to develop the nation. I am amazed with the technology they are using to build strong buildings and  houses on the water. I hope those engineers will get the appreciation they deserve”.

Engaging with the Dutch
One gets the impression that Syed is doing quite well here.“I find people friendly and caring. Dutch people appreciate my talents and my attitude. I am happy with my progress here.” Being ambitious, Syed indicates he is in for more:“I believe if this land offers me some more opportunity to grow as a professional I may be able to offer much more in return.”

Syed had not really counted on the need to master Dutch. “If someone in Pakistan would ask me whether to go to the Netherlands, I would tell him to learn Dutch before he gets here.” Especially for part-time jobs, knowledge of Dutch is often a requirement.

Passion and profession
Syed is taking a master’s course in service management. “As my father always said, you never know when you need your degrees for a good job. The better I am equipped with new forms of plannings and business communication skills the better I will be able to express and prove myself. I believe there are many organizations like dance companies that can benefit from  my service management degree and my work experience in the field of dance. In Pakistan, I used to have a music group called Lasers. We produced many videos and original songs for the market. With my MAISM degree I plan to keep up myself with every possible opportunity, to upgrade my art abilities and to work for an International arts organization. “

It is clear that dancing and choreography are Syed’s passions. “I aspire to be one of the best entertainers of the world. I have been offered UNESCO-CID membership by the reference of the CID ambassador in Leeuwarden. I was pleased to work with Expect, where we arranged dance training workshop for the students of Stenden. I also worked for Harmonie, conducting workshops for street dance for beginners and semi-professional dance groups. Currently, I work for one of the well- known Art schools in Leeuwarden named the Parnas Institute”. Syed has no definite plans on where to live after graduation. It will be wherever his work takes him. He sees the world as his home. “As I am growing in my field I leave all options open for me so I can climb up the ladders further.

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