HBO in Europa: kennistransfer als missie
Samenwerkingsverband UASNET wil met hen de strategische doelstellingen als ‘widening participation’, LevenLangLeren en meer succes bij toepassingen van kennis versneld gaan realiseren. “The UAS of Europe are the key institutions for the transfer of top-knowledge and knowhow to society, economy and culture. Their mission and their work is now more relevant than ever in a time of economic, demographic and social transformations of Europe and the nations that are part of the Union.
The Ministers of Higher Education of 46 European nations meet in Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve to set out the course of Europe as a global Higher Education area and centre of knowledge for the next decade. The UAS reach out to them as partners – and as source of inspiration – for concrete, successful examples of such a role for Europe.”
In een positionpaper zetten de ‘HBO-raden’ van 11 landen uiteen hoe en waar zij de nadruk willen gaan leggen op concrete actiepunten en ambities. U vindt dit document hier.
Robert-Jan Smits, directeur bij DG Research van de Europese Commissie nam het position paper in ontvangst. Hij daagde de hogescholen uit om hun plek in de Europese agenda in te nemen: ‘You are too shy and too modest. You deserve your spot in the European agenda’
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