Hoe komt ‘sociaal’ terug in socialisme?

Nieuws | de redactie
3 april 2009 | Honouring the philosopher who passed away in 2006, March 18th saw the inauguration of the ‘Lolle Nauta Forum’ at his Groningen University. In Richard Sennett, the organizing committee, found a ‘public intellectual’ not shy of making a controversial statement or two. Sennett, professor of sociology at the London School of Economics and Columbia University, New York, has written an impressive series of sociology and philosophy, blended in accessible prose; dealing mainly with the issue of work in capitalist society. Sennett: “I must start off with an apology: I don’t know what a public intellectual is."
“I know it’s meant to be a compliment, yet the problemof the work I do is not talking do
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