UFO-bedrog weer erg makkelijk

Nieuws | de redactie
3 april 2009 | Twee vrolijke experimenteerders uit New Jersey kregen het weer eens voor elkaar. Massaal vielen de media én UFO-logen voor hun ‘vreemde lichtverschijnselen die van aliens moeten komen.’ History Channel wijdde twee documentaries aan de blijkbaar serieus te nemen achtergronden van dit verschijnsel. Vele media in de USA, waar onder David Letterman, staan dan ook voor gek.

“On January 5, 2009, we set out into the woods on the border of Morris Plains and Hanover, NJ, carrying one helium tank, five balloons, five flares, fishing line, duct tape, and a video camera. After filling up one 3-foot balloon with helium, we tied about five feet of fishing line to the balloon, secured the line with tape, then tied and taped the flare to the other end of the line. Once all five balloons were ready for takeoff (with our fingers on the verge of frost bite), we struck the 15-minute flares and released them into the sky in increments of fifteen seconds apart from each other. We filmed the UFOs as they floated away, and then walked the half-mile stretch out of the woods to our car. The hoax was underway.”

Dit vertellen Chris Russo en zijn vriend, de science-docent Joe Rudy in hun verslag –met eigen beelden- op eSceptic . Ze melden ook dat zij eigen zogeheten ‘waarnemingen’ filmden van hun truc  en dat zij deze in de media en op een UFO-congres zonder meer konden presenteren als belangwekkend materiaal. Zij komen dan tot enkele scherpe observaties: “Bill Birnes, who has written and edited over 25 books and encyclopedias in the fields of human behavior, true crime, current affairs, history, psychology, business, computing, and the paranormal, and the co-author of The Day After Roswell (a New York Times bestseller in 1997 and subsequently a documentary on The History Channel), could not have let himself be fooled by a couple of twenty- somethings with no formal education in psychology. He could.

This begs an important question: are UFO investigators simply charlatans looking to make a quick buck off human gullibility, or are they alarmists using bad science to back up their biased opinions that extraterrestrial life is routinely visiting our planet? Either way, are these people deserving of their own shows on major cable networks? How can a television network that has pretensions of providing honest and factual programming be taken seriously when the topic of one of their top rated shows deals with chasing flares and fishing line? In fact, we delivered what every perfect UFO case has: great video and pictures, “credible” eyewitnesses (doctors and pilots), and professional investigators convinced that something amazing was witnessed. Does this bring into question the validity of every other UFO case? We believe it does.”

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