USA moet leren van ‘Leuven’

Nieuws | de redactie
8 april 2009 | USA-HO-expert Clifford Adelman raadt zijn collega's aan heel goed te volgen wat in Leuven gaat gebeuren. "When these national higher education systems work with the same reference points they produce a “zone of mutual trust” that permits recognition of credentials across borders and significant international mobility for their students. Everyone is singing in the same key, though not necessarily with the same tune.

In terms reaching across geography and languages, let alone in terms of turning ancient higher education systems on their heads, the Bologna Process is the most far reaching and ambitious reform of higher education ever undertaken.

What has transpired since 1999 cannot be but lightly acknowledged in the United States. While still a work in progress, parts of the Bologna Process have already been imitated in Latin America, North Africa, and Australia. The core features of the Bologna Process have sufficient momentum to become the dominant global higher education model within the next two decades. We had better listen up.”

Adelmans uitvoerige analyse voor het IHEP van het Bologna-proces en van de lessen daaruit voor de USA en het hoger onderwijs op wereldschaal leest u hier.

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