Dictator wil Lenins lijk
Dictator Loekasjenko wil best het lijk van Lenin hebben. Als de Russen genoeg hebben van het vereren van de gebalsemde 'revolutionaire leider', biedt hij aan een grootse tombe te bouwen in Minsk.
Lenin’s embalmed body has been displayed in a glass case in a mausoleum in Red Square since his death following a series of strokes in 1924. His continuing presence in the heart of Moscow has been an ongoing source of controversy since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.
It has been suggested that Lenin’s body could be buried in a new national military cemetery to be opened in 2011. Although there has been no official announcement on this, recent opinion polls suggest such a move would have the support of two thirds of Russians.
Sources close to Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka say he is ready to order the construction of a tomb similar to the iconic Red Square mausoleum for the Soviet leader’s body in the capital, Minsk. They also claim that the topic has been discussed a number of times at the highest level.
Lukashenko has led the former Soviet republic of Belarus since 1994, coming to power on a wave of nostalgia for the Soviet Union. The news comes shortly after Russian Culture Minister Alexander Avdeyev said that Lenin’s body was not “a culturally valuable object” for Russia.
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