Health Day op de campus van Stenden in Qatar
As Stenden University is the only university in Qatar that offers major study programs related to Hospitality & Tourism , health and safety are two of the most important aspects that have to be perfectly known and implemented by our students, as future managers in these fields.
In the presence of staff and students, the event was officially opened by Mr. Wayne Johnson, President of the Stenden University and official representatives of Hamad Hospital Management Dr Abdul Latif Alkal and Mr.Ali Aljanah, who made welcome speeches, exchanged gifts and visited the different exhibitors.
The entrance area and the ground floor of the campus were displayed with stands from different departments of Hamad Medical Corporation where students and staff received detailed information on various departments related to HMC including; Kidney, Diabetes, Psychiatry, Audiology, Red Crescent, Wellness Centre, Ophthalmology, Occupational therapy and Prosthetics, the Family Consulting Centre and FANAR Islamic Cultural Centre, offering students valuable insight into the work done by the various departments as well as the services they offer.
A blood donation unit was also organized for volunteers where students and staff lined up and registered their names in order to donate blood for the people in need and whose lives sometimes depend on this extremely valuable fluid.
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