China duurzaam met hbo

Nieuws | de redactie
12 oktober 2009 | Wang fei studeerde aan de Hanzehogeschool en startte een project, dat na lof door Balkenende in China de aandacht trekt van bedrijven. Zo gaan valorisatie en internationalisering van kennis in de 21e eeuw.

Initiated by Wang fei, a Chinese student of InternationalCommunication at the Hanze University, a China Project called”Chinalize”, was brought to live. Last year, the Dutch primeminister, Jan Peter Balkenende, mentioned the China Project as anexample project for international cooperation between highereducation and the professional field. This attracted attention ofthe Chinese corporate world.

In the educational program International Communication, studentsfrom all over the world study communications at the HanzeUniversity Groningen. As an integral part of the specialisation”International Business Communication” these students will travelto China on the 25th of October for a two-week trip tocooperate with students from Nankai University in Tianjin. HanzeUniversity students, together with Nankai University students, willteam up and develop communication strategies and advice for sevenDutch and Chinese companies.

Special about this year is that the theme ‘sustainability’ is inthe very heart of all activities. Five Dutch companies join theproject with eco-friendly innovations, ready to enter the Chinesemarket. Projects focusing on biogas and waste waste treatment willmatch the interest of Chinese public and private investors.

For the first time, two Chinese companies take part in thisproject. These contacts have been established last year with thehelp of communication students from Groningen.

Last year, the Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende,mentioned the China Project as an example project for internationalcooperation between higher education and the professional field.This attracted attention of the Chinese corporate world. TheseChinese companies see the Netherlands as the gateway to Europe, andthis project as an opportunity to learn about the European marketand the European cultural values.

One of these Chinese partners is Vogue Jazz Co whose productsentirely match environment-focused theme of this year’s ChinaProject. Established in 2003, the company is one of China’s leadingorganizations engaged in the research, development, production andsales of electric vehicles, bicycle and motorcycles, with thecreation of first-class green transportation tools as its toppriority.

Since Vogue Jazz already established a top spot in the Asian,more specific the Chinese market, it now aims to conquer theEuropean ecofriendly motorcycle market . Vogue Jazz Co wants tobecome known in Europe as a splendid, high-quality vehicle companywith a focus on environmental consciousness.

Therefore, Vogue Jazz takes part in the Chinalize project of theHanze University Groningen. Prior to their launch in Europe it alsowants to promote their products with an  electric bicycle touracross China, which is to be organized partly and promoted entirelyby Hanze students.

The 6 day bicycle tour will cover a distance of almost 500 km.Eight students from Hanze University and Nankai University willcover this distance in a joint effort, accompanied by 2 materialcars, and followed by a Chinese and a European camera team. Duringtheir trip they will profile global sustainable economicdevelopment.

 The trip will start in Tianjin and end in Shanghaiguan,the place where the Great Chinese Wall touches the sea. For thethrilling kick-off meeting on October the 30th eminentlyrespectable guests, like the Dutch Chambers, representatives of thecity of Groningen as well as the CCPIT and NBSO are expected.

With their China trip only a few weeks ahead of them, thestudents are getting ready for this exciting experience which willchallenge them on both a personal and professional level. Apreliminary course introducing economic, political and culturalaspects in China is only one of the components created to preparethem for this unique challenge.

For more information, see the website Twitter:


China Project 2009: FactSheet

Currently, the preparations for the fourth China project at theHanze University Groningen are at full swing. Likein the previous 3 years around 30 students of the study program”International Communication” experience China ina two week study trip, in order to establish communicationstrategies in association with Chinese students from theNankai University. The trip starts on the26th of October 2009. This journey is the highlight ofthe specialization International Business Communication,which simultaneously is the last semester for “InternationalCommunication” students at the Hanze University in Groningen.

Why China?

China is the world’s fastest growing major economy and has a lotto offer when it comes to business and culture. These are idealpreconditions for prosperous graduates of “InternationalCommunication”. This special project allows the students to gainvaluable experiences, get an insight into the Chinese culture,businesses and environment and learn to understand and respecttheir attitudes and values.

Vice versa the Chinese partners – participating companies andChinese students – learn about the European market, its businessethics, as well as European patterns and ways of thinking.

What will be done?

Students will work for several Dutch andChinese companies and establish, together with thehelp of their Chinese student buddies from the Nankai University,important contacts to suppliers and potential partners in order tofacilitate access to the Chinese and respectively the Dutchmarket.

The China trip will cover the following program:

  • Exchange program at the partner school “NankaiUniversity” in Tianjin

–          Culturalexchange

–         Discussion and debates current topics

–         Excursions to Chinese companies and the industry area TEDA

  • Execution of company projects together with the help ofNankai students

–         Researching Chinese and Dutch market

–          Findingsuppliers and partners for companies in China respectively theNetherlands

–          Advisingcompanies how to enter the markets best

–         Promoting companies

What is it all about?

The environmental issues will be the overall topic of thisyear’s China project. All the participating companies are aware ofthe ecological problem and do their work in a way to support theenvironment. 

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