USA en China schoon en zuinig

Nieuws | door Sicco de Knecht
18 november 2009 | Steven Chu gaat met samen met China de nieuwste zuinige methoden voor energiegebruik onderzoeken. "The U.S. and China are two great nations, and clean energy is one of the great opportunities of our time. Working together, we can accomplish more than acting alone."

President Obama heeft de officiële start ervan aangekondigdtijdens zijn staatsbezoek in Beijing.

De argumentatie daarvoor vanuit de Amerikaanse regering luidt alsvolgt: ‘The clean energy sectors in both countries are growingrapidly. The initial priorities of the U.S.-China Clean EnergyResearch Center reflect important areas of opportunity for bothcountries. In the United States, for example, more thanthree-quarters of electricity generated is used to operatebuildings. In China, if present trends continue, floor space equalto the entire U.S, building stock will be built in the next 20years.

Both countries have large domestic coal reserves and use coal togenerate the majority of their electricity (roughly 50% in the USand 80% in China). The two countries are also the world’s largestautomobile markets and oil consumers, both importing more than halfthe oil they consume. Development and deployment of clean energytechnologies will play a central role in helping both countriesmeet energy and climate challenges in the years ahead.

The U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center will facilitate jointresearch and development of clean energy technologies by teams ofscientists and engineers from the United States and China, as wellas serve as a clearinghouse to help researchers in eachcountry.’

Sicco de Knecht :  Hoofdredacteur

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