Bloedbad bij diplomafeest

Nieuws | de redactie
18 december 2009 | Laten we onze zegeningen weer eens tellen. In een van de armste landen ter wereld, Somalie, heeft een bomaanslag een groep jonge medici en de ministers van Hoger Onderwijs, Gezondheidszorg en Onderwijs gedood. Hun diploma-uitreiking werd een tragedie.

A bomb attack has killed 23 people, including students,graduates and three cabinet ministers – among them the Minister forHigher Education Ibrahim Hassan Adow – at a graduation ceremony ofthe medical school of Benadir University in Mogadishu, capital ofwar-torn Somalia. Also killed were Education Minister AhmedAbdullahi Wayeel and Health Minister Qamar Aden Ali.

Minister of Interior, Abdulkadir Ali Omar, said the government hadleads on the identity of the perpetrators but would withhold namesuntil the investigation had been completed. Local sources said theIslamist group Al-Shabab was being blamed for the attack, but ithas denied responsibility.

The graduating students were only the second class to receivemedical diplomas in almost two decades. Benadir University wasestablished in 2002 by a group of Somali doctors whose goal was totrain medical graduates to replace those who had fled or beenkilled in the civil war, and to treat victims of the seeminglyendless violence. [bron: University World News]


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