‘EU moet concreet willen zijn bij kennis’
De EU-leiders hebben de concrete doelstellingen voor 2020 wat
The European Commission initially proposed that ‘the share of earlyschool leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the youngergeneration should have a tertiary degree’. But before and duringthe EU Council of Ministers’ meeting on March 25 and 26, news cameout that several countries are opposing benchmarks oneducation and poverty. “We are demanding more Europe and moreEuropean consensus on ambitious goals. Otherwise, we will end up byhaving almost no reference to education and poverty targets in thisStrategy,” added Mr Radinja.
The European Youth Forum and several of its members, namely theEuropean Students’ Union (ESU), the Organising Bureau of EuropeanSchool Student Unions (OBESSU), European Students’ Forum(AEGEE-Europe) and Erasmus Student Network (ESN), are worried aboutthe lack of will of EU leaders to set common targets in the fieldof education and poverty.
“The Lisbon Strategy clearly failed at making Europe the mostdynamic knowledge-based economy by 2010. If the follow-up strategyhas nothing more than good wishes for better education and moresocial cohesion, Europe will not be much further in 2020 than wewere when starting the Lisbon Strategy over 10 years ago.”
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