Hoger onderwijs helpt tegen crisis

Nieuws | de redactie
9 september 2010 | “In a global economy the best performing education systems internationally provide the benchmark for success,” aldus OECD topman Angel Gurría. Mensen met HO-opleidingen hebben ook de crisis veel beter ‘overleefd’: hun werkloosheid steeg dramatisch minder dan die van anderen.

“With the worldwide recession continuing to weigh on employmentlevels, education is an essential investment for responding to thechanges in technology and demographics that are re-shaping labourmarkets.” During the economic downturn, young people with lowlevels of education were hard hit, with unemployment rates forthose that had not completed high school rising by almost fivepercentage points in OECD countries between 2008 and 2009. Forpeople with tertiary degrees, by contrast, the increase inunemployment levels during the same period was below two percentagepoints.

“Good education increases employability. In countries hit earlyby the recession, people with lower levels of education had moredifficulties finding and keeping a job.” Unemployment rates amongpeople with a tertiary level of education have stayed at or below4% on average across OECD countries during the recession. Forpeople who failed to complete upper secondary education, bycontrast, unemployment rates have repeatedly exceeded 9%.

Gurría wijst er wel op, dat vrouwen nog steeds mindergestimuleerd worden hun talenten maximaal te ontplooien: ‘women inmost countries and at most education levels still earn much lessthan men, potentially discouraging women from making full use ofthe skills they have learned and hampering economic growth,’zoblijkt uit de nieuwe Education at a Glance.  On average inOECD countries, a woman aged between 35 and 44 with upper secondaryand post-secondary non-tertiary education can expect to earn 76% ofmale earnings. This ratio falls to 74% for those who have notcompleted an upper secondary education and to 71% for those whohave completed a tertiary education.

Lees hier meer van de nieuwste analyses van de OECDover de impact van hoger onderwijs.

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