Leven in meteoriet?

Nieuws | de redactie
7 maart 2011 | Astrobioloog Richard Hoover van het NASA Marshall Space Flight Center heeft microfossielen gevonden in meteorieten. Volgens hem zijn deze niet van aardse herkomst, maar “the fossilized remains of living organisms which lived in the parent bodies of these meteors, e.g. comets, moons, and other astral bodies.”

Het Journal of Cosmology meldt hierover:  ‘Dr. Hoover hasdiscovered evidence of microfossils similar to Cyanobacteria, infreshly fractured slices of the interior surfaces of the Alais,Ivuna, and Orgueil CI1 carbonaceous meteorites. Based on FieldEmission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and other measures,Dr. Hoover has concluded they are indigenous to these meteors andare similar to trichomic cyanobacteria and other trichomicprokaryotes such as filamentous sulfur bacteria. He concludes thesefossilized bacteria are not Earthly contaminants but are thefossilized remains of living organisms which lived in the parentbodies of these meteors, e.g. comets, moons, and other astralbodies.

Coupled with a wealth of date published elsewhere and inprevious editions of the Journal of Cosmology, and as presented inthe edited text, “The Biological Big Bang”, the implications arethat life is everywhere, and that life on Earth may have come fromother planets.  Members of the Scientific community wereinvited to analyze the results and to write critical commentariesor to speculate about the implications.

Dr. Rudy Schild,  van het Center for Astrophysics,Harvard-Smithsonian en hoofdredacteur van het Journal of Cosmology,geeft als nadere toelichting: “Dr. Richard Hoover is a highlyrespected scientist and astrobiologist with a prestigious record ofaccomplishment at NASA. Given the controversial nature of hisdiscovery, we have invited 100 experts and have issued a generalinvitation to over 5000 scientists from the scientific community toreview the paper and to offer their critical analysis.

Our intention is to publish the commentaries, both pro and con,alongside Dr. Hoover’s paper. In this way, the paper will havereceived a thorough vetting, and all points of view can bepresented. No other paper in the history of science has undergonesuch a thorough analysis, and no other scientific journal in thehistory of science has made such a profoundly important paperavailable to the scientific community, for comment, before it ispublished. We believe the best way to advance science, is topromote debate and discussion.”

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