Help Obama kiezen

Nieuws | de redactie
22 april 2011 | Waar wilt u dat Barack Obama het schooljaar feestelijk afsluit en zijn visie op de toekomst van het onderwijs geeft? Net als vorig jaar kunt u meebeslissen.

Do you remember your high school commencement speaker? Neither doI.
This year, one lucky high school will have anunforgettable commencement speaker – President Obama – and we needyour help to determine which school it will be.

As part of the Race to the TopCommencement Challenge, several hundred public high schools aroundthe country submitted an application that described how theirschool is preparing students for college and a career.

We’ve narrowed down the schoolsto six finalists, and now it’s your turn to weigh in.  Eachschool produced a short video with help from the Get SchooledFoundation and wrote an essay. You can review and rate each schoolon a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) between today andFriday April 29 at 11:59 p.m.EDT:

Your ratings will help usnarrow down the pool to three finalists, and President Obama willselect the winning school from one of these three. 

The Commencement Challengegives public high schools a chance to demonstrate how their schoolbest prepares them for college and a career, helping America winthe future by out-educating our competitors and achieving PresidentObama’s goal of having the highest proportion of college graduatesin the world by 2020.

The six finalist schools are anexcellent example of the best America’s public schools have tooffer. Take a moment to watch their videos, read their essays andrate each school:


Melody Barnes
Director of the Domestic Policy Council

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