German Universities Flooded with Applicants
In addition to that, policy changes contribute to the increasein applications. On the one hand, Germany suspended its policy ofdrafting male high school graduates formilitary or social service. On the other hand, in the future highschool pupils will receive their Abitur within 12 instead of 13years. During a transition phase, this will result in two years ofhigh school students graduating simultaneously.
Budget increase by almost 10%
Merkel’s cabinet acknowledged this issue by drafting a new lawthat increases the
Phase 1 of the ‘Hochschulpakt’ had the target of accommodating91.000 additional students compared to 2005. CHE’s numbers showthat this estimate was only half of the actual 182.000 studentsflooding German universities. This is equivalent to 50% of all highschool graduates choosing tertiary education. At the same time,universities with more applicants were allocated more funds tocompensate capacity and teaching shortages, so that student/teacherratios remained the same.
CHE consequently praised Merkel’s ‘Hochschulpakt’, but statedthat given these new estimates even more funding should be madeavailable to universities. Already for the upcoming wintersemester, 50.000 additional students are expected to enter Germanuniversities. Predicting that this trend will last for the nextcouple of years, CHE recommend to remove the financial cap of the’Hochschulpakt’ to make sure that German universities receive themonetary support they need.
source: CHE
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