USA gooit kennis over energie open
Aneesh Chopra heeft de nieuwe loot aan de kennisstam van hetWitte Huis in werking gezet. Hij heeft als de officiëleUS Chief Technology Officer een unieke baan: presidentObama benoemde hem tot de eerste CTO van zijn land. Een van zijnspeerpunten is het opengooien van de vele bronnen van kennis entoepassingsmogelijkheden die bij de overheden en andere publiekeinstituties beschikbaar zijn.
“To further our efforts in this regard, I called on technologyand innovation leaders across the government to help scale bestpractices that embrace this model of open innovation, emphasizingthe government’s role as ‘impatient convener’.”
U leest het verhaal van CTO Chopra over hetnieuwe Energy.Data.Gov pakket hieronder
Today we launched
Our motivation in launching these communities is to harness thecreativity and entrepreneurial spirit within each of you tocatalyze the breakthroughs the President has challenged us toachieve in unleashing a clean energy economy. To further ourefforts in this regard, I called on technology and innovationleaders across the government to help scale best practices thatembrace this model of open innovation, emphasizing the government’srole as “impatient convener.”
When you visit, you will find a portfolio ofapps, tools, and ideas about how to better monitor, manage, andsave energy. To maximize opportunities for education andentrepreneurship, has simplified access tochallenges, prizes, and competitions that relate to energy data inmeaningful and engaging ways. Or you can be inspired by existinginnovations like the “Mashathon” that cobbled together data frommultiple sources across seven cities highlighting opportunitieslike the following for residents of Milwaukee, WI – that residentsmight save $903 annually with a 5kW solar (PV) system.
And this is just the beginning.
By the end of the year, we will showcase data on Federalbuilding energy use, prospects for energy efficiency improvements,and the Federal government’s energy consumption and costs datingback to 1975 by agency and energy type.
Whether your interest lies in alternative fuels, electricitygeneration, managing buildings to be more energy efficient, ortrying to better manage energy use in your own home, this platformhas the raw material for you to build new products and servicesthat have the potential to deliver our clean energy future. I lookforward to celebrating the birth of a new competitive marketplacefor innovative applications powered by open energy data thatimprove our energy security. Let’s get started.
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