Netherlands (rather) cheap for foreign students

Nieuws | de redactie
5 augustus 2011 | The Netherlands is one of the cheapest countries for international students in terms of tuition fees, but 3rd most expensive for living costs. U.S. ranks most expensive, but remains attractive to overseas students.

UK HE International and Europe Unit (IEU), anobservatory on internationalization of higher education, publisheda report ranking the 10 most popular international studentdestinations according to tuition fees and living costs.

The U.S. is by far the most expensive place to study and live.The report took a number of universities from each country examinedand compared the costs of studying a Bachelor of History in eachinstitution.

For foreigners, such a degree would cost €28.500 at NYU in theU.S., followed by an equivalent course at the University of Sidney(Australia) worth €19.000 and finally an Oxford program for €14.600in the UK.

The cheapest education for international students could be foundin Germany (€580) and the Netherlands. Especially Dutchuniversities and those in New Zealand would grant “significantsupport for high-quality international students in the form ofscholarships (and) fee waivers”.

In terms of living costs, the Netherlands scored an undesirable3rd place of the most expensive countries right afterthe US (€21.300 annually) and Australia.

U.S. remains popular, UK struggles

Despite being the most expensive destination for internationalstudents both in terms of tuition fees and living costs, the U.S.continues attracting foreign talents. Recent numbers from the U.S.Embassy in New Delhi showed a 20% increase in visa applicationsfrom Indian students.

Overseas students from India  represent a big market foruniversities worldwide. Especially Australian universities used to have apredominant position in this respect until racially motivatedcrimes against Indian students damaged their reputation.

The higher education sector in the UK, in the meantime, fightsto preserve its international competitiveness. From 2011 on, British universities will be able to tripletuition fees to more than €10.200.

A new report from the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFC)now revealed that this will most likely result in a 2% decrease inundergraduate students from the UK and other EU countries. 56% ofinstitutions expect a drop in enrolments from these students.

In order to face €230 million in budget cuts for highereducation, British universities look increasingly towards revenuesfrom overseas students. For the next couple of years, the incomefrom this group will grow between 3 and 6% annually.

For a thorough analysis of recent developments ininternational student migration worldwide, click here.

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